Have you ever felt worthless? Are you exhausted from dealing with the pain of feeling unloved and unnoticed? Have others told you that you that you have low self-esteem or a poor self-image?
No matter who you are or what you’ve been through, you can still learn and embrace the truth that leads to real and lasting confidence.
You Aren’t Worthless is a proven approach to help you understand your unique value as a person based on the strong and lasting foundation of God’s Word.
Do you long to feel loved and cherished? Look no further. By employing the principles set forth in You Aren’t Worthless, you will finally understand and work past all of the obstacles that have kept you from living in the fulfilled freedom that godly confidence creates.
Targeted Age Group:: 14 and older
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
This book was born out of a journey God took me through to understand that my "low self-esteem" was actually pride, and the sin of pridefulness was keeping me from being closer to Him. Throughout the Bible, there are examples of people questioning God's plan, and that resonated with me in such a deep way, that I wanted to explore more about the topic of worthiness. With patience and love, God taught me truths I simply had to share.
Book Sample
Have you ever felt worthless? You’re not alone. There are so many things in the world around us that tell us that we simply aren’t good enough, smart enough, or attractive enough. The world tells us that in order to get rid of our insecurities we need to believe that we are worthy by repeatedly saying we are worthy. But has that actually helped with our insecurities? It has never helped me.
There is a way that you can be delivered from the lie that you are worthless, and the goal of this book is to do just that. You Aren’t Worthless will walk you through the same healing process that God walked me through over the last fourteen years. Instead of fourteen years, the process described in this book can help you find healing from feelings of worthlessness in just a few days. This book is for anyone who has felt worthless, hurt, and like their life doesn’t matter. You do matter, and I will prove that using God’s word. On my own journey, I have discovered freedom from low self-esteem, and you can too.
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