Anima Mundi, is the compilation of two books under the separate titles of Rational Theism, Part One, and Part Two. It provides serious minded Christians in search of not only a fully cogent, but an invincible, rationally grounded defense of their faith. Book One, presents an a-priori proof in God’s existence, omniscient and omnipotent. As a Science of Metaphysics, grounded on pure reason, it adheres to the strict critical demands of Immanuel Kant for what Kant would himself call a science of metaphysics (with an accompanying Appendix for those both familiar and not familiar with Kant). Book Two, as a Biblical Exegesis, presents the unequivocal answer to the Problem of Evil that can be found in the pages of the Bible; an answer that Christian apologists have sadly missed, having sought for an answer to the problem outside the scriptures wherein the sole answer is to be found. Both works can equip Christians with the unassailable understanding of a God in possession of all the divine attributes that God must possess to be God: omnisicience, onmnipotence, and omnibenevolence. But be prepared. Anima Mundi is not just another Christian, religious book. It will test your God-given faculty of reason to the fullest for it takes on the most difficult of all philosophical questions and it answers the question by providing a coherent Theory of Everything that makes perfect sense of reality and our human experience, and this cannot be explained without also providing in this context, the proof in a necessary, Supreme, and Absolute Being as the creator and the sustainer of all that exists.
Featured Book: Anima Mundi by Mikhail Kelnikov
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